CAPTAIN AHAB'S MOTORCYCLE CLUB began in April 2012 as an international open arts collaborative. The primary goal of the club was to develop materials in all mediums to create a feature film. The story for DEEP ASTRONOMY AND THE ROMANTIC SCIENCES developed organically through this collective process. Hundreds of hours of material were created through both live events and individual efforts. While it was not possible to include a majority of the contributions in the finished feature, this film could not have been made without them. DEEP ASTRONOMY AND THE ROMANTIC SCIENCES is not confined solely within the 72-minute feature. All material can now be shared as free-standing pieces by their creators. This film was developed in its entirety through the kindness, generosity and curiosity of individuals. It features the talents of first-time artists and established artists alike. We hope you enjoy this film.

Lectures from this film and other materials are now featured in the book 3-DIMENSIONAL LOSERS by Cory McAbee. Available at Amazon.

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